Fine Western Art

Original works & select canvas prints

Madelynn wants everyone to see the beauty of how people in Rural America live. Their Livelihoods, Lifestyle, Families & Sport.

Her favorite part of her process is meeting new people & learning new things about ranching & farming.

“On the Gray”

20x16, oil on wood, 2023

featured work

This piece speaks volumes to me. There is something unexpected about seeing a rugged cowboy tenderly arranging his horse’s mane, then giving a few solid pats on her neck. Every time I attend an event, branding, or tour a family ranch, I am always surprised by how tender a good man can be. Not only to his animals & land, but especially to his wife & children.

The texture on this piece brings out that “Ruggedness”, but a few gentle brush strokes tell a greater story than a man sitting on a horse, if you’re willing to look a bit deeper.

Buy the Children’s book I illustrated!

Bessie’s Greener Grasses

is available to purchase through the Author, Kerri Jackson, on her Etsy.

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